
Anglo-saxon Words Make Up What Fraction Of The Words Used Most In Our Language?

According to 1 report, the percentage of modernistic English language words derived from each language group are equally follows:
Latin (including words used but in scientific / medical / legal contexts): ~29%
French (or Anglo-Norman): ~29%
Germanic: ~26%
Others: ~16%

The core of the English language language descends from the One-time English language, brought from the 500s with the Anglo, Saxon, and Jutish settlers to what would be called England. The bulk of the language in spoken and written texts is from this source. As a statistical dominion, around 70 percent of words in whatsoever text are Anglo-Saxon. Moreover, the grammar is largely Anglo-Saxon.[1]

A significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources. Estimates of native words (derived from Old English) range from 20%–33%, with the residue made up of exterior borrowings. A portion of these borrowings come directly from Latin, or through 1 of the Romance languages, especially Anglo-Norman and French, only some also from Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish; or from other languages (such equally Gothic, Frankish or Greek) into Latin and and so into English. The influence of Latin in English, therefore, is primarily lexical in nature, being bars mainly to words derived from Latin roots.[2]

While some new words enter English every bit slang, virtually do not. Some words are adopted from other languages; some are mixtures of existing words (portmanteau words), and some are new creations made of roots from expressionless languages.

Word origins [edit]

A computerized survey of nigh lxxx,000 words in the old Shorter Oxford Dictionary (3rd ed.) was published in Ordered Profusion by Thomas Finkenstaedt and Dieter Wolff (1973)[iii] that estimated the origin of English words as follows:

  • French: 28.30%
  • Latin, including mod scientific and technical Latin: 28.24%
  • Germanic languages – inherited from Old English, from Proto-Germanic, or a more recent borrowing from a Germanic linguistic communication such as Old Norse; does non include Germanic words borrowed from a Romance language, i.due east., coming from the Germanic element in French, Latin or other Romance languages: 25%
  • Greek: five.32%
  • No etymology given: four.04%
  • Derived from proper names: iii.28%
  • All other languages: less than 1%

A survey by Joseph Thou. Williams in Origins of the English of 10,000 words taken from several thousand business organisation letters gave this set of statistics:[4]

  • French (langue d'oïl): 41%
  • "Native" English: 33%
  • Latin: 15%
  • Onetime Norse: 5%
  • Dutch: 1%
  • Other: v%[5]

Languages influencing the English [edit]

Here is a list of the most common foreign language influences in English, where other languages have influenced or contributed words to English.

Celtic [edit]

Celtic words are about absent, except for dialectal words, such equally the Yan Tan Tethera organisation of counting sheep. However, hypotheses accept been made that English syntax was influenced by Celtic languages, such every bit the system of continuous tenses was a cliché of similar Celtic phrasal structures. This is controversial, as the system has articulate native English and other Germanic developments.

French [edit]

The French contributed legal, armed forces, technological, and political terminology. Their language also contributed mutual words, such as the names of meats: veal, mutton, beefiness, pork, and how food was prepared: boil, broil, fry, roast, and stew; as well as words related to the nobility: prince, duke, marquess, viscount, baron, and their feminine equivalents.[half dozen] : 254–258 Nearly 30 percent of English words (in an 80,000 discussion dictionary) are of French origin.

Latin [edit]

Scientific and technical words, medical terminology, academic and legal terminology.

Greek [edit]

Scientific and medical terminology (for instance -phobias and -ologies), Christian theological terminology.

Norman [edit]

Castle, cauldron, kennel, take hold of, cater are among Norman words introduced into English. The Norman language also introduced (or reinforced) words of Norse origin such as mug.

Dutch [edit]

At that place are many ways through which Dutch words have entered the English language language: via trade and navigation, such equally skipper (from schipper), freebooter (from vrijbuiter), keelhauling (from kielhalen); via painting, such equally landscape (from landschap), easel (from ezel), still life (from stilleven); warfare, such as forlorn promise (from verloren hoop), beleaguer (from beleger), to bicker (from bicken); via civil applied science, such as dam, polder, dune (from duin); via the New Netherland settlements in North America, such as cookie (from koekie), boss from baas, Santa Claus (from Sinterklaas); via Dutch/Afrikaans speakers with English language speakers in South Africa, such every bit wildebeest, apartheid, boer; via French words of Dutch/Flemish origin that accept afterward been adopted into English language, such as boulevard (from bolwerk), mannequin (from manneken), buoy (from boei).[7]

Spanish [edit]

Words from Iberian Romance languages (addict, albino, alligator, cargo, cigar, embargo, guitar, jade, mesa, paella, platinum, plaza, renegade, rodeo, salsa, savvy, sierra, siesta, tilde, tornado, vanilla etc.). Words relating to warfare and tactics, for example flotilla, and guerrilla; or related to science and civilisation. Words originated in Amerindian civilizations (Cariban: carnivorous, hurricane; Mescalero: apache; Nahuatl: tomato, coyote, chocolate; Quechua: Jerky, spud; Taíno: tobacco),

Italian [edit]

Words relating to some music, piano, fortissimo. Or Italian civilization, such as piazza, pizza, gondola, balcony, fascism. The English language word umbrella comes from Italian ombrello.[ citation needed ]

Indian languages [edit]

Words relating to culture, originating from the colonial era. eastward.g., pyjamas, bungalow, verandah, jungle, curry, khaki.

German [edit]

English is a Germanic language. As a consequence, many words are distantly related to German. Most German words relating to World State of war I and World War Two found their way into the English, words such as Blitzkrieg, Anschluss, Führer, and Lebensraum; food terms, such every bit bratwurst, hamburger and frankfurter; words related to psychology and philosophy, such a gestalt, Übermensch, zeitgeist, and realpolitik. From High german origin are as well: wanderlust, schadenfreude, kaputt, kindergarten, autobahn, rucksack.

Quondam Norse [edit]

Words of Old Norse origin take entered English primarily from the contact between Sometime Norse and Old English during colonisation of eastern and northern England between the mid 9th to the 11th centuries (see also Danelaw). Many of these words are part of English cadre vocabulary, such as they, egg, sky or knife.

Hebrew and Yiddish [edit]

Words used in religious contexts, similar Sabbath, kosher, hallelujah, amen, and jubilee or words that have become slang similar schmuck, shmooze, nosh, oy vey, and schmutz.

Standard arabic [edit]

Trade items such as borax, coffee, cotton, hashish, henna, mohair, muslin, saffron; Islamic religious terms such every bit jihad, Assassin, hadith, and sharia; scientific vocabulary borrowed into Latin in the twelfth and 13th centuries (booze, brine, algebra, azimuth, zenith, naught, nadir); plants or establish products originating in tropical Asia and introduced to medieval Europe through Arabic intermediation (camphor, jasmine, lacquer, lemon, orange, carbohydrate); Middle Eastern cuisine words (couscous, falafel, hummus, kebab, tahini).

Counting [edit]

Cardinal numbering in English follows two models, Germanic and Italic. The basic numbers are zero through x. The numbers eleven through nineteen follow native Germanic style, every bit do twenty, thirty, xl, l, sixty, 70, fourscore, and xc.

Standard English language, especially in very conservative formal contexts, continued to use native Germanic style as belatedly as World War I for intermediate numbers greater than 20, viz., "i-and-twenty," "5-and-thirty," "seven-and-ninety," and then on. Merely with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the Latin tradition of counting every bit "twenty-i," "xxx-5," "ninety-seven," etc., which is easier to say and was already mutual in non-standard regional dialects, gradually replaced the traditional Germanic style to get the ascendant style by the end of nineteenth century.

Opposition [edit]

Linguistic purism in the English is the belief that words of native origin should be used instead of foreign-derived ones (which are mainly Romance, Latin and Greek). "Native" tin mean "Anglo-Saxon" or it can exist widened to include all Germanic words. In its balmy course, information technology only means using existing native words instead of strange-derived ones (such as using "begin" instead of "commence"). In its more extreme grade, it involves reviving native words that are no longer widely used (such as "ettle" for "intend") and/or coining new words from Germanic roots (such equally discussion stock for vocabulary). This dates at to the lowest degree to the inkhorn term debate of the 16th and 17th century, where some authors rejected the foreign influence, and has continued to this day, being most prominent in Plain English advocacy to avoid Latinate terms if a simple native culling exists.

Run into too [edit]

  • Influence of French on English
  • Linguistic purism in English
  • Cultural globalization
  • Internet civilization
  • Neologism
  • Philosophy of linguistic communication

References [edit]

  1. ^ Fennell, Barbara 1998. A history of English. A sociolinguistic approach. Oxford: Blackwell.
  2. ^ McWhorter, Our Magnificent Bounder Natural language, 2008, pp. 89–136.
  3. ^ Finkenstaedt, Thomas; Dieter Wolff (1973). Ordered profusion; studies in dictionaries and the English dictionary. C. Winter. ISBNthree-533-02253-six.
  4. ^ "Joseph M. Willams, Origins of the English language Language at". Retrieved 2010-04-21 .
  5. ^ Origins
  6. ^ Algeo, John (2010). The Origins and Development of the English (PDF) (sixth ed.). Boston: Wadsworth. ISBN1-4282-3145-v. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-09-12. Retrieved viii June 2017.
  7. ^ Williams, Joseph Thousand (1986). Origins of the English language. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN0029344700 . Retrieved 8 June 2017.

External links [edit]

  • Mathematical Words: Origins and Sources (John Aldrich, Academy of Southampton) The contribution of French, Latin, Greek and German language are surveyed.


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