Sad truth: some nails only aren't meant to grow. Like mine, for instance. I can load them with all the nail growth formulas in the world but they're so paper-thin they just curl around my fingertips rather than shooting outwards.

It'due south a terrible matter to confess every bit a dazzler editor, but I've been letting my nails go feral. It didn't seem worth bothering with such a stumpy, ugly prepare and so basically I didn't. At. All.

However, people really Exercise detect nails. If I met someone with a gorgeous mani , I'd look at my own imperfect x – jagged edges, scruffy cuticles, hangnails poking out, God-merely-knows-what under the nails and feel similar sitting on my hands in shame.

Before: Yes I really did let my nails look like this. After: Same nails, just made over with shape and shine regime

So right hither, right now, I say this: plenty of the scruff. I may be stuck with the bendy little b*ggers nature gave me only, with a chip of effort, short Can be sweetness.

1. Soften those cuticles

Beginning, things aren't as bad as y'all retrieve. "Women with brusk nails oftentimes take long smash beds so there's plenty of surface to paint," says top nail artist Vernice Walker.

"Whatever their size, y'all'll make them look longer if y'all apply a cuticle soak or softener, then gently push button cuticles back." Mavala Cuticle Remover, £x , volition shift them.

two. Striking the buffers

"Even the shortest nails wait chichi after you've used a 4-way buffer block (a couple of quid at chemists) to smoothen out ridges and smoothen upwardly the surface," says Vernice. "Only don't overdo information technology, or you'll sparse your nails – in one case a fortnight is enough."

iii. Commit to a regime

Even if you're keeping your nails short, yous'll terminate the edge fraying if you employ a treatment.

"Apply Sally Hansen Complete Care 7-in-1, £10.95 , daily, layering each 1 on tiptop for four to five days, before removing and starting again," says Madeline Poole, Sally Hansen's boom practiced.

4. Oil them upwards

A daily massage of boom oil is the quickest, best affair you lot tin do. "Oil instantly changes the await of the nail, taking abroad dustiness and dryness from the cuticle and encourages stronger growth," says Madeline.

I've institute that a portable pen such every bit Nails Inc Vitamin Eastward Oil, £fourteen.99 , ups the chances of doing it every day.

v. Size isn't everything

Better to have shorter, nicely shaped nails than a ragged 10 of varying lengths. "Carry a file to instantly sort snags," says Madeline. "Daily filing besides strengthens the tip. If yous leave nails unfiled, you'll get a jagged edge that catches and rips."

Lottie London On The Fly mini files, £three.49 are my handbag fave.

The Ciate Volume of Boom Style past Charlotte Knight, £9.99, has loads of great ideas for perfect nails

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